立思辰留学360新加坡部金牌留学顾问陈嘉娴老师介绍:新加坡科技设计大学(Singapore University of Technology and Design,简称SUTD),是继新加坡国立大学,新加坡南洋理工大学, 新加坡管理大学后,新加坡的第四所公立大学。新加坡科技设计大学(新科大)的首批340名学生在2012年5月初正式上课。新科大将与世界两所顶尖大学——美国麻省理工学院和中国浙江大学合作,也让大学成为东西融会的枢纽。
For non-English documents, an official English translation must be provided at your expense. Please provide your latest official transcripts and official letter of certification from your institution stating the expected date of graduation or award of degree if you have not graduated from your degree programme.
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) orInternational English Language Testing System (IELTS) score report
If the medium of instruction during yourundergraduate studieswas not in English, please submit your IELTS or TOEFL scores no later than 2 weeks after the application deadline.
If you have not taken the GRE, please arrange to take it soonest and send in the results no later than 2 weeks after the application deadline. Please note that the SUTD DI code is 7398.
GRE required: ASD & ESD
GRE recommended: EPD & ISTD
Names & E-mail Addresses of 3 Recommenders
Recommenders should preferably be faculty members who can comment on your scholastic capabilities and achievements, as well as your ability to complete the programme. Please ensure that you inform your recommenders about the nomination before submitting their contacts to SUTD as they are required tosend intheir recommendations online within 1 week afteryour PhD application submission.
留学360,隶属于上海叁陆零教育投资有限公司(中国A股上市公司立思辰成员企业,代码:300010),主要从事互联网留学办理、教育投资、海外置业以及网络运营,是全球互联网留学开拓者,公司与美国、加拿大、英国、澳洲、新西兰、爱尔兰、瑞士、新加坡、 马来西亚、泰国等30多个国家的800多家教育机构签约建立合作关系,协议覆盖2000多所海外大中小学,拥有经验丰富的留学咨询专家组成的留学专家团,其中78.6%拥有海外名校留学背景,高效有序的留学咨询系统和安全快捷的后勤保障队伍,为留学生提供从咨询、申 请、签证、接机及住宿等留学一条龙服务。历程8年,公司已为数万名中国学生提供了留学咨询和院校申请。
甘肃华侨服务有限公司(中国教育部资格认定书编号 教外综资认字【2001】205号),为上海叁陆零教育投资有限公司全资子公司。