1 当代汉学研究导论 Contemporary Research in Chinese Studies
2 当代汉语研究导论 Contemporary Research in Chinese Language
3 唐帝国的历史与文明——政治、制度与文化 History and Civilizations of the Tang Empire
4 中国佛教宣教文学 Chinese Buddhist Proselytic Literature
5 新马地区的传统中国文化 Traditional Chinese Culture in Singapore and Malaysia
6 明代的社会与文化 Society and Culture of the Ming Dynasty
7 影响近代中国的南洋华人 Prominent Nanyang Chinese in Modern China
8 中国思想史 Chinese Intellectual History, 10th – 19th Century
9 中国历史研究专题 Major Themes in Chinese History
10 中国宗族与地方社会 Chinese Kinship and Local Society
11 词学研究 Ci Studies
12 中国辞赋 Chinese Rhapsody
13 汉语语法化 Grammaticalization in Chinese
14 华语之谓“美” Beauty Through Chinese Lens
15 汉语语言学研究专题 Special Topics in Chinese Linguistics